Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
The Statutory Guidance: Careers guidance and access for education, and training providers (October 2018) states that all schools should deliver Careers Education under the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks:
- A stable careers programme.
- Learning from career and labour market information.
- Addressing the needs of each student.
- Linking curriculum learning to careers.
- Encounters with employers and employees.
- Experiences of workplaces.
- Encounters with further and higher education.
- Personal Guidance.
The results of our most recent audit of current careers education and provision against the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks can be viewed here: Gatsby Benchmarks
The Careers Programme weaves through our curriculum, giving students learning purpose and context. It aims to:
- Build the aspirations for all students
- Support inclusion, through challenging stereotyping and promoting equality of opportunity
- Encourage participation in continued learning including higher education and further education
- Develop enterprise, entrepreneurial and skills for successful employment
- Ensure all students are in meaningful, education, employment or training when they leave us at the end of year 11
- Aid social mobility and contribute to the economic prosperity of individuals and the local community
- Allow all students to link learning to real life contexts and scenarios
- Focus students on their future aspirations and support them in achieving these
- Involve parents and carers to support their children, through raising an awareness of local labour market information, opportunities and the latest careers information
CEIAG is delivered through the following routes:
CE | I | AG |
A full Careers Programme for each year group shows what each student will experience at Isca. To view our CEIAG policy, click here.
Career Pilot
Career Pilot is a website with which all students will register to within their careers tutor programme. It tracks their skills, learning and research, and students can upload and keep useful documents here such as CVs.
Homework tasks
In Week 12 of every cycle, students will complete a Careers homework task for each subject. They are required to research a job linked to the learning they have just done in that cycle. The Knowledge Organiser will direct them to a subject area of the website, which will contain a skills summary, a top 5 job list, and useful links to research a job. This enables students to be exposed to an abundance of different jobs throughout their time at school, helping them to shape their aspirations and deepen their understanding of access routes.
Local Labour Market Information (LMI) gives up-to-date statistics about employability and job sectors in Exeter and the surrounding area. This can be found here:
Isca Academy is committed to providing a planned programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) for all students in Years 7-11, in partnership with the Heart of The Southwest Careers Hub
Useful links:
- Isca Academy Careers Programme 2024-25
- Heart of The Southwest Careers Hub
- The Exeter labour market- an information sheet
- Careers Advice for Parents
Download the parent and carer’s pack from Amazing Apprenticeships
For further information about our careers programme contact:
Abbie Roberts, Assistant Headteacher for Teaching & Learning
Telephone: 01392 204082, email [email protected] or
Marie Knights, Teacher of MFL
Telephone: 01392 204082, email [email protected]
Post-16 Options
There are a wide range of opportunities for students leaving Isca Academy at 16. Our staff help students to make the right choices and will support them as much as they need throughout the process.
The majority of our students progress on to Exeter College when they leave Isca. Exeter College is an Outstanding (Ofsted 2012, 2014 and 2022) establishment that provides a huge range of opportunities for the city’s young people. Alternatively, some of our students may decide to go to a sixth form, Bicton College or some students begin employment with training (an apprenticeship).
Exeter College Information for Year 11
Information on applications:
Financial support: The 16-19 Bursary Fund and how to apply.
Students health and wellbeing video.
Information about learning support. See video.
For any further advice and information about Exeter College, contact:
[email protected] Customer Service Assistants can help with queries about the admissions process.
[email protected] The College Advice Team can provide advice and guidance to students regarding course choices.
Bicton College have also provided links to information and activities which may be of interest to your child:
- Duchy College Foundation Learning –
- Bicton College Foundation Learning –
- Equine –
- Military & Protective Services Academy –
- Sport, Adventure Sport and Fitness –
If you have any questions or concerns regarding post-16 education which you have not been able to clarify through your provider, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Jan Taylor at Isca Academy on [email protected]