Students thrive at Isca Academy because they are safe, happy, and supported in their learning. The quality of relationships is second to none with staff committed and focused on the wellbeing of every student – at Isca there are no invisible children!

All students belong to a year based tutor group and each year group has a Head of Year. The four houses of Apollo, Maia, Minerva and Saturn encourage a sense of pride and belonging, provide a framework for inter school competition and opportunities for positions of responsibility. For example in Key Stage 4 students are House Captains and Sports Captains and in Key Stage 3 they are Junior Leaders. Across the school there are other positions of responsibility available to students such as Lead Learners.

When students feel secure and happy, they are able to challenge themselves, take risks with their learning and advance beyond what they know and understand.

We actively encourage all students who have a problem to speak to their form tutor, or head of year in the first instance. However, some students will need more support to engage successfully with school life and they may be referred to the SEN, or Student Support teams by their head of year.