Curriculum Statement of Intent

Isca’s PE & Sport Science departments aim is to create a learning environment where students are encouraged to take risks, develop confidence, improve physical literacy and take ownership of their learning, regardless of their ability. With every student in mind, our PE department offers an exciting and extensive curriculum to ignite a passion for sport, developing character and to embed values such as fairness and respect. Our intention is that every student develops a love of learning and a desire to lead a lifelong healthy and active lifestyle.

We teach and assess based on the development of four key concepts, adopted from the Youth Sports Trust.

Physical Me – Developing Performance & Physical Literacy:

Students develop the ability to perform advanced skills and techniques through practice and competition, in a wide range of activities, aiming to demonstrate fluency and control to outwit opponents.

Develop their physical literacy and a lifelong love of sports and physical exercise.

Thinking Me – Developing Analytical, Evaluation and Decision Making Skills:

Students can accurately analyse and evaluate their performance leading to well informed decisions on how to improve.

Students develop strong knowledge of tactics and strategies to outwit opponents.

Students develop their decision-making during competitive situations as a performer, manager and official.

Students develop their ability to evaluate justify and make decisions in a practical and theoretical context.

Students develop knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the body.

Healthy Me – Developing Personal Health and Activity Levels:

Students will develop an understanding about the wide range of fitness components and can apply them to a variety of sporting activities.

Students develop a strong understanding of what a healthy active lifestyles is and how it can be achieved through taking part in sport and physical activities.

Students make positive informed choices around their health, well-being and diet.

Students can link the benefits of a healthy diet and physical activity to mental and physical well-being.

Social Me – Developing communication, leadership and resilience:

Through sport, staff will promote the school values of showing respect, achieving your best, being inclusive and responsibility.

Students will be encouraged, to lead, organise, coach and officiate, demonstrating knowledge and developing communication and cooperation skills.

Students will understand that if they keep trying then they will improve.

Students will have the opportunity to represent their school, house and community.


Throughout years 7 and 8 students are exposed to a wide variety of sports including netball, rugby, football, hockey, gymnastics, dance, basketball, volleyball, tennis, badminton, the use of our fitness suite, cricket and rounders. We aim to excite students and provide opportunities for them to participate in sports, which they may not have access to, or even be aware of, outside of Isca life. During each year, we embed three strands of sport science knowledge, seen below. Primarily, our ambition is to educate students of the benefits of exercise and physical activity as well as the importance of leading healthy lifestyles. This early engagement of sport science teaching also prepares those students who wish to pursue one of our sport science examination courses at KS4.

Year 7 Sport Science Knowledge

Term 1: Warming Up and Effects of Exercise

Term 2: Components of Fitness

Term 3: Training Methods

Year 8 Sport Science Knowledge

Term 1: Respiratory System

Term 2: Skeletal System

Term 3: Muscular System


At KS4 we aim to build on the positive experiences and knowledge students have developed though KS3 PE. All students continue to participate in two hours of core PE per week throughout their time at Isca. In years 9, 10 and 11 students have opportunities to access a wider variety of sports alongside some that continue from KS3. These include activities such as trampolining, dodgeball and a variety of fitness classes. Students are encouraged to become more independent and gain experiences of sports which they may wish to continue post 16 education. Understanding of balanced diets, body types and the benefits of exercise are embedded throughout these years with the intention that students lead lifelong healthy and active lifestyles.

Wider Curriculum

Isca offers an extensive range of opportunities for students to take part in sport outside of the curriculum. We are proud to have been awarded the School Games Mark, a nationally recognised award in recognition for outstanding provision for the development of participation and competitions across our school and community. Whether the individual is at participation level and wants to play with their friends for fun or those who aspire to reach elite level, we offer three different sports clubs every day for students to join. These sports clubs lead to opportunities for students to represent Isca in a wide variety of competitions both locally and nationally. Furthermore, Isca provides residential sports tours as well as opportunities to watch elite level sport fixtures each year.

Sport Science Courses

Building on their experiences in Years 7 and 8, where students learn about the foundations of sport science, at KS4 students may choose to progress onto either GCSE Physical Education or OCR Sport Studies. Both courses provide the chance for students to continue their study post 16 at college and lead towards university and careers in sport.

GCSE PE (AQA) introduces students to the physiological and psychological factors that affect participation and performance in sport. Assessment takes place though two written exam papers, coursework and their practical ability across three sports. OCR Sport Studies explores contemporary issues in sport including the media, factors that affect participation and other issues such as performance enhancing drugs. Students are assessed in one exam paper, coursework, their practical ability and leadership, though the planning and delivery of a teaching episode.

Curriculum overview: topics studied during each stage of the year. Roadmap: an overview of the subject in a single image.